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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


What place do those keywrds have here?
There is much and many and few things I can add here, but to some answering
to my wonder, in the spiritual  sense would these things in part be tools of opinion
or answers to those who seek G-d first in answering a prayer to G-d to Open our
eyes so that we can see, and Our ears so that we may here, and our hearts ...
Some wonder came to Mind of "a calling" like as the Bible would mention
when God called a person to do something, or just to tell them something,
though some of those people proseeded to not follow what they had been told;
and others, it seems were interpreting something to have been from G-d that was
more the just a dreamy state of blissfull conclusion; that they hear themselves in thought,
say "Yeah", to themselves, their own answering.

A More Defining Spirit, as Opinion
Here is a good story to read; a news article of Opinion by Category:

I believe this quote by Alexander Hamilton, concidered to be
one of our U.S.A. "Founding Fathers",
to be correct, but, I do not agree that the statement is correctly punctuated by his meaning.
I will not add the correct punctuation to my opinion here (unless later I edit). What difference would it make?

Hamilton once said this:

"The degree in which a measure is necessary,
can never be a test of the legal right to adopt it;
that must be a matter of opinion, and can only be
a test of expediency.
The relation between the
measure and the end;
between the nature of the mean
toward the execution of a power, and the
of that power must be the criterion of constitutionality,
not the more or less of necessity or utility.

In the more spiritual calling...
..the keyword "Eli"  I searched for and found 3 results.
The name of Eli came up after hearing it in a Bible study earlier, Samuel asking Eli
if  Eli had called him.
After 3times Eli determined it was God and told Samuel to answer next time he hears
the call, to say in reply, {something to this nature} "Here I am Lord " and "I your servant..."
or " can I serve You...?" (again something to the nature)
Also , back in April I noted of some point of wonder, or of no point;...
... this, by Benny Hinn, who said in a commentary message with his use of scriptures:
God's Word declares, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted
from the world" (James 1:27). And Jesus Himself promises, "And the King shall answer
and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of
the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40).

So I searched for Eli on (unreleated or relativity??? we will see!
Articles containing the word "Eli"
- 3 result(s)
Four Years after Gaza Pullout

Israel: Bin Laden Killing 'Resounding Triumph'

GOOD MORNING, HOLY SPIRIT - February 13-17, 2012


Clinton faces continued criticism in afternoon Benghazi hearing

EPLU RIB USU NUM • 10 hrs ago
The state of the U.S.A. is set for everlasting; in that, it is set as an ablative affair in resting what matters most to the people; and that is a feminine written form by "philosophic and political reasoning" to the emoition of interpretation, and "job responsability"..because at the end of the day, it could happen again.... None of us having a crystal ball, and outcomes that dont have second chances or terms, what is being concidered in the masculin sense; from res "affair, matter, thing" + publica, fem. of """publicus "public" """.

That Comment
  EPLU RIB USU NUM • 9 hrs ago
At all times it is important to government in the sense that its is a gift to the people, like healing, or prphecy, etc..; in that importance to both our govenment and our people, is that both "what is being concidered" and "what is being Not Considered" are important for each other to know and understand; and therfore of our foreign affairs, both of our interests; therfore in that extends further, with compatability with our works with foreign governments and business's and agencys and other support groups within those country's borders, we naturally have our favoritisms to be like it is "for and with" "our citisens" at home. At times our business's and or our local Government's business takes advatage of their people's in ways we would concider here to be unfair,

Their is a difference between the feminine concepts that masculine and femine are the same as women and men.

A duality is being played on the surface and both needs and founding father, specifically Hamilton type descriptively, noting what "making law", and another about who controls America and to whether it has success by the other.

Liberal and conservatively, both emotionally like rich and poor, can be controled; sensable investing... or need.....

Read the first story of Opinion, I added more comments.

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